NAB Show: Honoring Innovation

No industry event would be complete without giving out some well-deserved bling!
Every year, NAB Show plays host to exciting awards honoring innovative people, products, companies and technologies. Those who have made significant, lasting contributions. Those that exemplify commitment to community and excellence. All who continue to push the broadcast, media and entertainment industry forward.
Check out all the categories and find out who the winners are for 2023 below!
Broadcasting Hall of Fame
The NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame recognizes radio and television personalities or programs that have earned a place in broadcasting history.
Award Presentation: April 17, 2023 at the NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame Ceremony
Digital Leadership Award
The NAB Digital Leadership Award honors an individual at a broadcast station, group or network who had a significant role in transforming a traditional broadcast business to succeed on digital media platforms.
Award Presentation: April 17, 2023 at the NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame Ceremony
Insight Award
The Insight Award recognizes the iconic program’s 55-year history of excellence in broadcast journalism.
Award Presentation: April 16, 2023 at the NAB Show Welcome
Engineering Achievement Award
Each year since 1959, NAB has presented the Engineering Achievement Award to an individual for their outstanding accomplishments in the broadcast industry.
Award Presentation: April 18, 2023 at We Are Broadcasters
PILOT Innovation Challenge
The Pilot Innovation Challenge is awarded to individuals, companies, academic institutions and nonprofit organizations that provide solutions to key challenges and opportunities facing broadcasters now and in the future.
Winner Showcase: April 17, 2023 at 2023 PILOT Innovation Challenge Winners
Excellence in Sustainability Awards
A new awards program launched this year at NAB Show to recognize individuals, companies and products for outstanding innovations in media technology that promote conservation and reusability of natural resources and foster economic and social development.
Award Presentation: April 16, 2023 at Why Sustainability In Media Matters
Chris Brähler, Vice President of Product, SDVI
2023 Sustainability Champion Award: Small Organization
Larry O’Connor, Founder and CEO, Other World Computing
2023 Sustainability Champion Award: Medium Organization
Mrs. Greenfilm
2023 Sustainability in Leadership Award: Small Organization
2023 Sustainability in Leadership Award: Medium Organization
2023 Sustainability in Leadership Award: Large Organization
Greening of Streaming
2023 Sustainability in Leadership Award: Non-Profit Organization
SmartFM, WorldCast Systems
2023 Sustainability in Product or Service Award: Small Organization
X Platform, Appear
2023 Sustainability in Product or Service Award: Medium Organization
CableOS Broadband Platform, Harmonic
2023 Sustainability in Product or Service Award: Large Organization
Product of the Year Awards
The NAB Show Product of the Year Awards recognize and celebrate the most significant and promising new products and technologies being exhibited at the show.
Award Presentation: April 18, 2023 at the Product of the Year Awards Ceremony & Cocktail Reception. Nominees are invited to attend the awards presentation. The event begins with a cocktail reception at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are required.
FUJIFILM North America Corporation – FUJINON HZK25-1000mm F2.8 CineBox PL Len
2023 Product of the Year Award for Best Overall: CREATE Winner
ABonAir Ltd. – AB612 – 4K/UHD Wireless Video System
2023 Product of the Year Award for Best Overall: CONNECT Winner
MediaKind – MediaKind Aquila with SG1
2023 Product of the Year Award for Best Overall: CAPITALIZE Winner
See the Full List of Winners
2023 Product of the Year Award Winners
Best Paper Award
Each year, presenters at the NAB Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology Conference are urged to submit written papers on the subjects of their presentations. The NAB Best Paper Award, established in 2010, honors the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit published in the Proceedings.
Award Presentation: April 15, 2023 at the Broadcast Engineering and IT Conference Opening

Liam Power, ONE Media LLC
Crystal Radio Awards & Heritage Award
Since 1987, the NAB Crystal Radio Awards have recognized radio stations for their outstanding year-round commitment to community service. View this year’s finalists. The NAB Crystal Heritage Award recognizes a radio station’s long-term commitment to community service, honoring stations that have won a total of five Crystal Radio Awards.
Award Presentation: April 18, 2023 at We Are Broadcasters
The Crystal Radio Awards are proudly sponsored by Disabled American Veterans.
Technology Innovation Award
The Technology Innovation Award is presented to organizations that bring advanced technology exhibits and demonstrations of significant merit to NAB Show that have not yet been commercialized.
Award Presentation: April 17, 2023 at the Futures Park Press Conference
Select co-located ceremonies are happening alongside this year’s NAB Show, including the Technology and Engineering Emmy® Awards, TVNewsCheck’s Women in Technology Awards and more!