
VoiceInteraction is a product company dedicated to speech processing technologies.

First established in 2008, the com­pany’s focus is anchored by the research and development of Au­tomatic Speech Recognition, Text to Speech, Dialogue Systems and Natural Language Processing. The goal – to extract ‘Knowledge from speech’. Pioneers in A.I. solutions, VoiceIn­teraction bases its practices on ‘Machine Learning’ algorithms and ‘Deep Neural’ networks. Supported by a strong technical background, with a research department that employs several PhDs. A ref­erence for Automatic Closed Cap­tioning, Broadcast Compliance and Media Assets Transcription for TV stations, Contact Centers, Court-rooms and other judicial organizations.

With over 500 clients worldwide across Europe, Asia, South and North America. VoiceInteraction continues working towards pro­viding excellence in automated speech processing technologies for your business.

For more information please visit: https://www.voice-interaction.com/us

Contact Info

Regional Addresses

845 3rd Avenue, 6th Floor
New York, New York, 10022
United States of America


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Automatic Closed Captioning for Global Newscasts

Date Published: Nov. 30, 2022

Products (3 RESULTS)

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Subtitling and Closed Captioning
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Audio Post-Production / Mastering

Events (0 RESULTS)

NAB Amplify Events

Past Event
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Product Announcement: VoiceInteraction

Thursday, April 22 2:30 – 3 p.m. ET

Downloadable PDFS (2 RESULTS)

Transparency and choice are important to NAB. By choosing to download this content, you are selecting to share your name and email address with VoiceInteraction to allow them to contact you directly. Per our agreement, VoiceInteraction is not permitted to share your data with anyone else. You can stop communications from VoiceInteraction or revise your communication settings at any time by directly visiting the VoiceInteraction website.
  • Media Monitoring System – Broadcast Edition

    The long-term 24/7 HD recording and monitoring solution from VoiceInteraction.…
  • Audimus.Media Automatic Closed Captioning for Live Shows

    VoiceInteraction announces the release of automatic translation for live broadcasts.…

Employees (6 RESULTS )

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João Neto

CEO | VoiceInteraction
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Mariana Manteiga

Head Of Marketing | VoiceInteraction
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João Figueiredo

Business Developer | VoiceInteraction
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Luisa Lima

Business Developer | VoiceInteraction
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João Neto

Software Eng. | VoiceInteraction