BEIT Online 2021 Pass

The 75th annual NAB Broadcast Engineering & IT (BEIT) Conference sessions are now available for purchase via online streaming as video-on-demand (VOD) presentations in “BEIT Online 2021,” exclusively here on NAB Amplify.

Learn More and Access Videos

See below for information about promotional discounts.


BEIT Online 2021 will remain available until the start of the 2022 NAB Show on April 23.

Access information for The 2021 NAB BEIT Conference Proceedings will be sent via email to BEIT Online 2021 pass-holders’ inboxes.

NAB Members are entitled to a discount of $300 off the $399 cost, or a price of $99. Promo code required to receive NAB Member discount. Need the code? Please contact NAB Member Services for assistance.

Anyone else can use the code beit2150 to receive a discount of $200 off the $399 cost, or a price of $199.

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