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AI-Empowered Monetization: New Content Strategies for Media Companies (1402)

Andy Beach

Andy Beach

Microsoft -- CTO for Media and Entertainment Industry

Rick Champagne

NVIDIA -- Director of Global Media & Entertainment Industry Strategy and Marketing
Ken DeGennaro

Ken DeGennaro

National Basketball Association -- Senior Vice President, Media Operations and Technology

Sepi Motamedi

NVIDIA -- Senior Product Marketing Manager, Live Media Solutions

In this session featuring the NBA, Microsoft and NVIDIA, panelists discuss how the shifting media landscape is creating new revenue opportunities for rights holders and content creators. Panelists explore the pivotal role of technology and examine innovative strategies for deploying monetization solutions from predictive analytics and personalized recommendations to automated content curation, generation and targeted advertising.


  • Andy Beach, CTO for Media and Entertainment Industry, Microsoft
  • Rick Champagne, Director of Global Media & Entertainment Industry Strategy and Marketing, NVIDIA
  • Ken DeGennaro, Senior Vice President, Media Operations and Technology, National Basketball Association
  • Sepi Motamedi, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Live Media Solutions, NVIDIA