LED Volumes vs Green Screen vs Practical – Which One Is Best for My Project? (275)
In this SMPTE panel, you’ll learn about the pros and cons of each technology used in LED volumes. What are the good and the bad sides of LED volumes, greenscreen, and physical locations? How do we best handle audio for each? And what are the cost comparisons?
- Ben Baker, Virtual Production Producer & Consultant, Mesh
- Shelly Sabel, Creative Director + Designer, Fuse Technical Group
- Eric Siegel, Director, Art Director, and Production/Scenic Designer, Eric Siegel’s Production Company LLC

Title Management for the Content Lifecycle (266)
Title management is at the heart of content creation when it comes to distribution and discovery. Title and metadata management can be a challenge when one asset can have multiple versions that need to be distributed to a variety of internal and external stakeholders. This discussion will focus on the challenges faced by content creators managing titles and metadata through the broadcast supply chain and focus on catalogue management solutions that help streamline that process so viewers can find the content they are looking for across platforms and regions.
- Matt Foster, EVP Digital Transformation, Fremantle
- Rebecca Twardy, Strategic Account Director, MediaGenix

Media Storage and Cybersecurity Mastery (307)
Managing expanding media storage environments is increasingly a challenge. Join a number of experts led by Nexsan to learn how to do this while staying ahead of cybersecurity.
- Charles Burger, Director of Assureon Cybersecurity Solutions, Nexsan
- Michael McDermott, Vice President of Sales, Nexsan
- Jarrett Schwenzer, Enterprise Account Executive, Media & Entertainment, Technologent
- Roger Singh, Head of Global Strategy & Innovation, Media & Entertainment, Technologent

Breaking the Boundaries of Traditional Production with KAIROS (325)
Live production is changing, especially in the sports and entertainment space. Audiences no longer want to simply watch a basketball game — they crave more real-time content, replays and behind-the-scenes footage. Plus, they want to access this content on multiple platforms, from traditional broadcast TV to streaming networks to social media. That’s where live production platforms, like Panasonic Connect’s KAIROS system, are critical to produce this dynamic content while driving flexible workflows for seamless operations. In this session, Chris Merrill, KAIROS Group Manager, and Jeff Lawson, Senior Account Manager at Panasonic Connect, will expand on Panasonic’s KAIROS platform and the capabilities it will bring — to develop engaging content for years to come.
- Jeff Lawson, Senior Account Manager, Panasonic Connect
- Chris Merrill, Group Manager – Kairos, Panasonic Connect

The Most Cost Effective and Lowest Total Cost of Ownership in the Industry (281)
Zixi CEO Gordon Brooks will detail how major global media organizations are achieving the lowest TCO with deployments that are not only the most cost-effective solutions available, but also drastically improving sustainability. Sustainability initiatives are important to the media and entertainment industry, but especially effective when made to be financially attractive to adopt. The discussion will detail how the Software-Defined Video Platform (SDVP), powered by the Zixi Protocol, and Zixi’s ZEN Master Control plane have revolutionized media and entertainment as the only solution that scales to meet the needs of the large, modern broadcaster but still have the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) in the industry. Brooks will show how these modern workflows are accelerating new content acquisition, new business models and opportunities to generate revenue.
- Gordon Brooks, CEO, Zixi

Revolutionizing Content Monetization with Generative AI (324)
In the vast library of media and entertainment lies a treasure trove of potential waiting to be unlocked. Generative AI offers the key to curating and repurposing content. It’s no longer a quest to find the proverbial needle in the haystack; instead, it’s about navigating a sea of creative possibilities. Generative AI allows us to reimagine content curation, automate editing, and accelerate the content creation process. And the real game-changer lies in the ability to monetize this newfound creativity. Generative AI is the catalyst for this change—make it simple, make it quick. Join us in this session to explore how you can seamlessly blend your creative vision with the transformative capabilities of Generative AI to unlock monetization opportunities.
- Ankur Jain, Senior Vice President, Sales, Prime Focus Technologies

Building New Worlds with Eric Say (323)
The lines between the real and virtual world are blurring. We have an incredible opportunity to develop sets, environments, graphics, and virtual worlds that are no longer constrained by the laws of physics and cost of materials. Let’s take a look at what these worlds can look like, how we can build them and how we can look forward to the future of 3D environments.
- Eric Say, Owner/Creative Director, Gameday Creative

Rapid Industry Solutions – Industry Update: Where We Are, Where We’re Going and What’s in It for Me? (276)
At the onset of the pandemic, SMPTE brought together industry groups and individual contributors to find solutions that would allow efficient workflows in the virtual production ecosystem. Over the past two years SMPTE RIS OSVP Education workgroups have produced the Interactive Wallchart, the main deliverable that describes the workflow ecosystem throughout all phases of virtual production, and the InterOp workgroup has produced the Camera and Lens Metadata document to help describe interoperability between different components on set; they are now entering exploratory phase for the camera tracking, producing the new workgroup: Color Management. Add to that the furious pace of work on the OSA (Open Service Alliance) side of RIS, solving real-world media microservice interoperability challenges, and it’s been a busy few years!
- Loic Barbou, Chief Architect, Bloomberg Media
- J. David Hoffman, Business Development Manager, Americas, Blackmagic Design
- Chris Lennon, Office of the CTO: Director, Standards Strategy, Ross Video

Captions to Optimize Workflows, Mine Your Data, Enable Generative GPT, and Empower Virtual Production (310)
While captions are essential to make your content more accessible, have you considered the added benefits that come from AI-based speech recognition to generate transcripts from ALL your spoken word content, live and legacy? During this presentation you’ll learn that captions are a lot more than just words flashing across the bottom of a screen. Being the “third rail” of content, captions and transcripts are a valuable bridge between the spoken word (including radio and podcast content) and video, and deserve time in the spotlight. During this session, the presenter will show what happens when you start generating transcripts from all your spoken word material, interviews, news segments, etc., and intelligently mining that data in various ways to benefit your internal workflows and to share with your audience. Further, this session will look at what Generative GPT can do with these transcripts, exploring greater content creation options which aid humans in a few ways. Finally, it will see how AI-generated captions can actually be used to augment your virtual production efforts and reach audiences of many different languages, simultaneously.
- Bill Bennett, Media Solutions & Account Manager, ENCO Systems Inc.

AM Chief Engineer Panel (218)
AM radio has been a topic of increased discussion recently with all the activity surrounding a possible AM receiver mandate in automobiles. This panel of New York area AM radio station engineers will discuss some of the technical issues that AM radio stations are facing as they work to remain competitive and attract listeners, including antenna system optimization, use of metadata and the possibility of implementing all-digital operations.
- Andy Gladding, Chief Engineer, Salem Media Group
- Dan Hirschl, VP of Engineering, Red Apple Media
- Moderator Jeff Schick, CTO, Sprite Media, Inc.

Clever Use of Data to Detect Video Quality Issues (305)
Video Quality Analysis (VQA), a resource-hungry process, is ripe for a rethink. Currently, VQA tools decode and monitor live content 24/7, regardless of whether errors are present or not. This continuous monitoring makes these operations expensive and environmentally unfriendly. In this talk, Touchstream explores simple approaches to using data to detect common VQA issues, black screen, freeze frame, and loss of audio by measuring anomalies in fragment file size. This approach significantly reduces the amount of processing time and resources required by harnessing the power of data to uncover vital hidden insights.
- Brenton Ough, CEO & Co-Founder, Touchstream

The Evolution of Hybrid SDI/ST 2110 Systems: The Future Is on the HorizoN (330)
Riedel’s MediorNet HorizoN is the future of hybrid systems, answering the question to go IP or not. HorizoN is incredibly dense and offers a massive amount of ST 2110 gateways, HDR/SDR conversions and UDX all in a 1RU unit. HorizoN integrates natively into the TDM network and utilizes the MediaWorks application, allowing routing of SDI/ST 2110 signals to all nodes with ease. Being in the TDM network provides the ability to run multiviewing, processing and embedding/de-embedding, which dramatically reduces ports, cabling and commissioning. HorizoN — with the combination of the other products in the MediorNet family — offers a truly comprehensive solution that can’t be matched.
- Rick Seegull, SVP Technology and Business Development, Riedel Communications

Future-Proofing Your Production Workflows: Embrace the Possibilities of ST 2110 (309)
As studios seek to advance their production capabilities to dynamically adjust infrastructure to changing content needs, ST 2110-enabled solutions will be key to helping them fit their workflows to meet day to day changes. Whether supporting a live or virtual production environment, technology that’s scalable will help future-proof investments for years to come. In this session, Michael Bergeron and Jim Jensen of Panasonic Connect will expand on the benefits of ST 2110 compatible edge devices, and how these can minimize the cost and complexity in ST 2110 ecosystems. They will explore how an ST 2110 network needn’t be more than a single IP switch, and how ST 2110 edge devices collapse the numbers for gateways and other peripherals. The session will also dive into specific new ST 2110 and other IP edge devices, including PTZ cameras, studio cameras, camera control units, and camera software, as components of solutions Panasonic Connect has available.
- Michael Bergeron, Senior Category Manager, Panasonic Connect
- Evan Clark, Lead Research Engineer, ZeroSpace
- Jim Jensen, Senior Category Manager, Panasonic Connect

Getting to Final_Final Faster with Live Collaboration on Dropbox Replay (331)
Join the Dropbox Replay team to learn more about how they designed a system to allow users to collaboratively view content together, in real-time using Replay Live Review.
- Dylan Ostrow Nelson, Software Engineer, Dropbox
- Andy Wilson, Senior Director, Business Solutions, Dropbox

Hyperconverged Sustainability (339)
Learn how Ross Video’s hyperconverged engineering approach conserves energy and produces less waste throughout the entire product lifecycle.
- Amanda Holtstrom, Product Manager, Ross Video

Virtualization of the Radio Station (219)
Software-based solutions for broadcast radio infrastructure are being developed at an ever-increasing pace, promising to greatly simplify operations and providing a host of benefits such as improved redundancy and enhanced remote control and monitoring capabilities. This session provides an overview of this technology and how it is being applied at radio stations in the New York area.
- Alex Roman, CTO, MediaCo Holding Inc.